"See the Ability Not the Disability" is the title of a project that The Transition Year Programme of St. Louis Community School, Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo has worked on over the past three years.
The 2006/2007 TYs have now created a website called www.stand.ie which allows a much wider audience to see take advantage of their efforts.
It is aimed at primary school children with the idea of changing their attitudes towards disability. The use of puzzles and games was an important aspect of putting the message about disability across - some surprising nuggets of information here that will even make adults sit up and think. Then a page of solid information covering common disabilities to help pupils relate to any of their fellow classmates with a disability - plus links to relevant support and information websites. Finally it has some conclusions and pointers for primary school children who were the target audience for the original booklet which was produced by the 2005/2006 St. Louis TYs. Both the website and booklet aim to:
- Highlight the various difficulties faced by pupils and individuals with a learning and/or physical disability.
- Introduce the concepts of slow - learners, autism, Down Syndrome etc. through interactive exercises and introduce the correct terminology through cross-words, anagrams, word searches etc.
- Create a positive awareness of the talents of people with learning and/or physical disabilities and an appreciation of their contribution to society.
- Highlight the importance of promoting a positive attitude to others less knowledgeable than ourselves, towards individuals with a learning and/or physical disability.
The site also has a page devoted to the three classes that have contributed to the project since 2004. Well done to the three St. Louis transition year classes involved for a most interesting website project.