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Go to Castlebar

No. 19
A lot of the material on the Web site is old news and has not been updated for quite some time. People who regular visit the Web site will stop visiting it as frequently.

You are right if we don't have something new people won't come back to the site. That is why we focus totally on updating the site every day with new content and images. We have a lot more content available to us than we can possibly get onto the web site in anyone day due to our limited resources. We think we have something like 50,000 separate html pages on the main site and we are reluctant to delete old material as in time this forms a valuable archive.Hundreds of new pages are added every day. Nevertheless,we have put a plan in place to help us combat this problem. We are:
1. Making it possible for visitors to the site to do their own updating. Visitors can now update the guestbook and email directory automatically as well as the two main bulletin boards of course. These tasks were undertaken manually in the past so this has freed up a lot of our time. We are working towards automating the uploading of clubs and organisations web sites too.
2. We are working together with the local Castlebar College of Further Education They teach an e-Business Course. This year we hope that the students on this course will work on designing pages for
3. We are applying for extra funding. In order to make this site work we will need more people updating the information. We hope that extra funding will make it possible for us to achieve this goal .
4. We also sell domain name registration, hosting and advertising and sponsorship which helps us to fund the project.
5. We take students from the local colleges and train them to work on the web site. We also plan to work with transition year students next year.

We do update the site every single day and we take this goal very seriously. But we know we have a long way to go to achieve our full potential. Each day we are moving closer to our goal. If you would like to contribute, time, articles, or suggestions to the site. We would love to hear from you.
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