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During the 1998/99 there were over 20 active clubs and societies in the college, including active football, hurling and rugby teams.

The college has Men and Women's Gaelic Football, Men (Division 1 and Division 2) and Women's Soccer, Hurling, and Rugby teams.

These teams have had varying fortunes this year with some faring better than others in competitions. Again this year, a member of the Women's Soccer Team has been named as an All-Star - Aine Lordan from Blarney, Co. Cork.

The Women's Gaelic Football Team had a very successful year, qualifying for the intervarsity finals in Tralee at Easter. Cork IT beat them in the semi-final. Prospects are very good for next year, as only 3 three of the panel will leave the college this summer. The Men's Gaelic Football Team lost the quarterfinal of the Trench Cup - losing narrowly to the Army Cadets. Again, as only 3 members of the panel are leaving the college this year, prospects for next year are good.

In soccer, the Men's Division 1 Team were awarded Club of the Year at the annual Students' Union Ball in April. They also qualified for intervarsities in Tralee, losing narrowly to NUIG in the semi-final on a score-line of 1-0 - the goal being scored in the last five minutes of the game.

The Irish Men's Senior Intervarsity Light Middleweight Boxing champion for 1999 is David Conlon from Ballyhaunis, an Outdoor Education Student in the college. Well done David! Dr. Richard Thorn, Head of Centre awarded this well-deserved trophy to David during a prize-giving ceremony in the college.

The Rugby Club qualified for the semi-final of the league, beating Dublin Business School, and Dunlaoighre in the process. They were awarded a bye against Letterkenny IT. A member of the Rugby Team, Ronan Steede from Tuam, Co. Galway has been selected as a panelist on the Irish Colleges Rugby Team's tour of South Africa, which departs later this month. This is a major achievement for Ronan, and for the Rugby Club in the college which was formed in 1997 (by Ronan).

A number of clubs and societies in the college reflect the interests of students on the National Certificate / Diploma course in Outdoor Education - namely the Geographical Society and the Mountaineering, Kayak, Orienteering, Windsurfing and Aquatic Clubs. During the course of the year, the Geographical Society arranged for a number of explorers and climbers to come and give talks to interested students. Once the final exams finished at the end of May, members of the Geographical Society and the Mountaineering Club left for a week-long camping trip to Wales. During the Easter Break, the Kayak Club organised an expedition to France and Spain - a trip, which was organised by Jerome Perrot (Club Chairperson), involved kayaking and camping and was a great success. While the Windsurfing and Aquatic Clubs had a very quiet year, the Orienteering Club took part in many competitions.

The 'Southpark Appreciation Society' (the Computer Club) have been working away quietly in the background - this web page is one of their major achievements for the year - along with the installation of a club ISDN line.

The second GMIT song contest, which took place in the Traveller's Friend Hotel at the end of February, was organised by the college Music Society. The amount of talent within the college is amazing, and the eventual winners were Claire Mullins (Original Section) and Brian Mc Munn (Commercial Section). This event took a huge amount of planning and organisation - well done to all involved.

The Basketball, Badminton and Volleyball Clubs compete in competitions organised by the H.E.S.F (Higher Education Sports Federation) - the Men's Volleyball team reached the semi-final of the League but the rest of the teams had a relatively quiet year.

Last Updated 3-6-99

President: Joe McGhee Vice President: Barry Robinson
Contact us at ++353 (0) 94 25700 ext. 2504 or (094) 24496Email us