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In-School Career
Guidance Services

FÁS Guidance

Local Employment

Graduate Career

Job Hunting-
The Cover Letter

Job Hunting-
The Cover Letter

A covering letter is simply an introduction to yourself and to the C.V. that you have enclosed

The letter itself should be short and should not cover the same ground as the C.V. It should sum up in a few lines what you have to offer and simply introduce the enclosed C.V.

It should be addressed specifically to the person named in the advertisement. The style of the letter should be formal.

The Format of the Covering letter should be on the lines of the following:

1st Paragraph should outline the reason for writing to the company. Are you replying to a job advertisement or are you writing in a speculatively to see if there are any positions available.

2nd paragraph should illustrate why the company should choose you as an employee. Why do you want the job? What do you have to offer the company. You hint on the relevance of past experiences, qualifications and relate them to the position for which you are going for.

3rd Paragraph you should finish and state that you look forward to hearing from them in the future. State that you will send on any additional information at their request. Sign the letter

When signing off the letter, a rule of thumb is that if you don't know specifically whom you're writing to i.e. you've started the letter by writing Dear Sir/Madam, you finish by writing "Yours faithfully" If on the other hand you started by naming the individual by name then conclude by writing "yours sincerely".

Help with covering letters can be obtained from:

Guidance Counsellors to whom students can drop in and ask for advice and information. The following are Guidance Counsellors in the Schools of Castlebar:

Sr Connor in St. Josephs Secondary
Mr Woods in St. Geralds College
Mr Deffely in Davitt College

The Centre for the Unemployed,
Ellison Street
Telephone: 094 - 22184

Castlebar Youth Information Centre, Newtown, Castlebar.
(094) 28674 will assist in seeking out information on careers, education, and training possibilities.

It has a range of books and leaflets in which you will find the titles and addresses of Professional Institutes, Trade Associations, Colleges of Training and Education, Major Employer Bodies who will be prepared to answer specific enquiries or to furnish more detailed information to young people interested in particular careers.

Or Your Local Employment Service Office
(See Guidance Services)

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