Local Information Services Medical Card Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme Child & Family Care Looking for Work Other Allowances Main Page About This Website Previous Screen Next Previous

Local Information

Medical Card

Allowance Scheme

Child & Family Care

Looking for Work

Social Welfare System
We are Close at Hand

Links to Related Internet Sites
To find out more information, Why not check the links below.
The links have been sorted and arranged so they are relevant to this section.

Social Welfare
Department of Social, Community & family Affairs - Dept. Site which contains information on entitlements & benefits as well as other publications.

The Money Advice & Budgeting Service - offers advicFinancee and lists the services offered.

EURODESK website - For information on EU and mobility programmes and funding opportunities for young people and those working with young people.

Youth Work
Youth information Website - has links to informatin sites on eduation, career, education, working & living abroad, health, sport & leisure, youth work etc..

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