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Irish Embassies Abroad

Links to Related Internet Sites
To find out more information, Why not check the links below.
The links have been sorted and arranged so they are relevant to this section.

Travel & Migration
Iarnrod Eireann website - gives details of timetables, fares, promotions, annual reports, job vacancies, etc.

Bus Eireann website - gives details of timetables, fares, promotions etc.

USIT website - gives information on everything form fares, accomadation, work, general info about the place, student rates, student cards, travel etc..

YONET website - Online partner finding service for youth groups/workers for various projects & exchanges

EURES website - the home pages of the sites which facilitate the movement of workers within the 17 countries of the European Economic Area. They give information about employment opportunities, rights and welfare as well as links to information about the European Union

Leargas website - European exchange and homestay programmes for young people,

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