"Pat Fox out to the forty and grabs the Sliotair. I bought a dog from his father last week. Fox turns and sprints for goal, the dog ran a great race last Tuesday in Limerick. Fox to the 21, fires a shot, it goes to the left and wide....and the dog lost as well"

"Teddy Mc Carthy to John mc Carthy, no relation, John mc Carthy back to Teddy Mc Carthy, still no relation"

"Seán óg Ó Háilpin, his father is from Fermanagh, his mother's from Fiji, neither a hurling stronghold"

Do you wish That you could come out with lines like Michéal?

Well now you can at


Learn to speak in public with confidence at Weddings, Dinners, Occasions

First Meeting

Wednesday 5th. September, Hotel Westport, Westport, 8:30 p.m. Sharp

See you there!

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