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Give them an inch and they take a mile

From: Tuars
Time: 12:25:35 PM
Date: 11/25/99


OK, with a little bit of work you can have your own personal view. Cut and paste the html code below into Notepad (or your preferred text editor), and use SAVE AS.. with a .html extension (i.e. call the file name myview.html or something).

Then you can personalise it as follows:

If you want to change the size of each window, change the % values in the "frameset rows= " line.

If you want to have the windows in a different order (i.e. message on top, contents on the bottom) then just change the order of the "frame SRC" lines. The first one is the heading, the second one is the contents and the third one is the message.

To use the view just open the file in your browser (Open Page in the File menu).

This will work fine until the address of the castlebar bulletin board (the http:// in the frame SRC line) is changed from numbers to a proper name.

Here's the code. Good luck.



<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">

<title>My View</title>


<frameset rows="10%,30%,60%">

<frame SRC="" NAME="banner" SCROLLING="no" frameborder="0">

<frame SRC="" NAME="contents" target="article" frameborder="1">

<frame SRC="" NAME="article" frameborder="1">




<p><!--webbot bot="PurpleText" PREVIEW --></p>

<p>This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>





Castlebar Information Age Town Bulletin Board