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Re: Is the BB slow today or is it just my connection?

From: Obsession
Time: 5:38:42 PM
Date: 12/1/99


Well I live in castlebar and so does the server, so as you know my connection only has to pass through New York twice, Paris once and five times through Bellmullet so it's not suprizing that it take up to one minuet just to refresh the page!!!

Does the counter affect it???

Does the atomic clock affect it???

Does 50p on a pack of 20 affect it????

Does 2% of the higher and standerd reat of tax affect it???

Apoliges for my rambleing my body isn't use to working from 9:00 to 17:32 with only 20 minuets in the humbert (see I'm going to go home now and eximine the back of my eyelids.

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