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Budget 2000 Low earners shafted again !

From: Mike
Time: 7:42:44 AM
Date: 12/2/99


So what does everyone think of the plan to force more "married women" out to work. (In single Income couples its ALWAYS the Woman that doesnt go out to work isint it ????) 1) All these extra "women" travelling to work = more traffic on the roads 2) If a "woman" doesnt want to work outside the home why should she ? 3) Just a way for the government to please the captains of industry by providing a new pool of cheap labour (much better than having to give jobs to all those nasty asylum seeker types !) 4) Is the £500 per year extra tax free allowance going to cover travel to work and childcare expences ? 5)What about unmarried couples bringing up children together (Just like Bertie and Whatshername) or gay couples (just like ******* ****** and ******** ****** allegedly !) 6) Is all of this constitutional anyway ? 7) Is this Legal under EU anti-discrimination directives ?

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