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Re: Budget 2000 Low earners shafted again !

From: Mike
Time: 7:23:05 PM
Date: 12/2/99


1) Point taken 2) I hope youre right 3) Provided the "women" are going into the workforce voluntairly maybe but If they do feel theyve no alternative well I think It smaks of racisim for the Govt to deny forigeners jobs that they want in favour of forcing "Nationals" into jobs when theyd rather work in the home 4) I never suggested the should Im only saying the measures are probably not going to work anyway because for most people the extra costs involved in taking up a job wont be covered by the tax benefits 5) the current situation is that non-married couples are discriminated against by the tax, social-welfare, pension, health insurance and various other pieces of legislation. The anomoly you were refering to was reversed several years ago following a Supreme court case. 6 - 7) If youre correct in your faith in the government to always comply with the constitution and EU law Why do we have a Supreme court or European Court. The reason that these bodies have been established because nobody, even (especially) the government plays by the rules all the time.

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