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Christmas Driving

From: albert
Time: 8:55:32 AM
Date: 12/3/99


Christmas is indeed here and as with every year there is talk that the Gardai will be clamping down on drink driving. Too right. I'm sure that everyone will agree that no matter how far you go or how quiet the bog road your driving down is, drink driving is a big no-no. There will be posters in pubs reminding us of this fact. But that is as far as publicans are willing to help. I have in the past decided to have a night out without drink so that I can drive everyone else. The problem I have with this is that A pint of Coke costs the same as a pint of lager rougly about 2 quid. While in the shops it costs about 60-70p per pint. If soft drinks were a lot cheaper in pubs, I'm sure more people would take their turn in having an alcohol free (and cheaper) night.

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