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Another US Imperialist conspiracy

From: Fidel Castro
Time: 7:16:13 PM
Date: 12/4/99


Come on M get rid of those US format dates PLEASE ! Actually If any of our American friends are reading this could you explain why you guys insist on writing dates "backwards" (MM/DD/YY). Surely DD/MM/YY is the proper way do do it because you are recording units of time in a logical order (small unit: intermediate unit:large unit) actually even more logical is the way they do it in some Asian and Arab countries because they write the day in the same sequence as time i.e. YY:MM:DD (and by extention HH:MM:SS) But DD:MM:YY is the way weve always done it in Ireland so that HAS to be the right way. Argument closed now go and write your dates properly and lets have none of your tomfoolery !

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