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Quake, James Quake.

From: Papercut Pete
Time: 5:38:51 PM
Date: 12/6/99


I noticed some time ago some of you discussing the merits of "Quake" on this board (well, the old board actually)and I came across an article in todays English Times which may be of interest to some of you. Apparently the new demo version of Quake 3 "sends details of the users graphics card back to id (the programs authors), without asking their permission or even notifying the user." Apparently, this is not as unlikely as one would suspect - Comet Cursor (you know the one which turns your cursor into a wasp, or whatever), Realplayer and Realjukebox are doing the same thing. Now get this! "The European Parliament may consider placing an embargo on Intel's Pentium III chip. Each chip contains a unique Processor Seriel number, that would enable e-mails and e-commerce transactions to be tracked back to an individual computer. Whilst Intel claim this will improve computer security, the European Parliament is concerned about the role of both the FBI and The National Security Agency in Intel's seriel number implementation." I realise that this news may result in poor old Paranoia's early demise, but I certainly find it more than a little freaky. Is anyone else aware of these devilish goings on, or am I being unduly concerned. I think not! For anyone interested, the author of this article can be contacted at ben.hammersley@the-times.co.uk

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