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Re: Quake, James Quake.

From: Paranoia
Time: 5:45:18 PM
Date: 12/6/99


Oh Man! That's just too much man. I, like, told you all but nobody wanted to listen to me man.

All the machines are against us man. And when we're not around they talk to each other man. They have all these little machine conversations. Blip - blip - blip - bleep - bleep - blip man.

They're spying on us man. You better watch out. They see us when we're sleeping, they know when we're awake.

Oh wait - that might be someone else.

Anyway man - it just shows that all those doctors were wrong. I'm not crazy man. They all thought I was crazy for building that survival shelter too man - but we'll see who's crazy after the Millennium bug has taken down civiliazation as we know it man.

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