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Keep That Government - Fast!!!

From: Obsession
Time: 2:46:57 PM
Date: 12/7/99


My 2cents worth

I belive that the budget, looked at for the point of view of the 3rd in a serious of 5 was a good one. The individulastion of the tax system is a good one. There a large amount of women who have very little looking after to do of their kids during the day . The children are in secondary school and the parents lounge around the house doing a minimal amount of housework (the same housework has do be done by working couples)Then there are the housewives who's children are all self sufficent, playing bridge, drinking coffie, stiring sh1t and even posting to the BB. Should these couples have it easy when it comes to tax? In my opinion NO.

On the issue of the lower paid I belive that a minimum wage of £4:60 sholud be adopped and anyone working 40hours a week on mim. wage should not have to pay Tax.

I also belive on a tapered VAT system, the more luxuriousness {thanks T for the dictionary on that one}a product the more VAT should be on it.

Thanks for listing to my 2cents worth.

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