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Re: Keep That Government - Fast!!!

From: Tuars
Time: 4:14:11 PM
Date: 12/7/99


I understand your point and some parts of it probably has some merit.

However, I still stand by the fact that it is bad for society if we devalue the role the family unit plays as a cornerstone of that society. by proposing more individualistic tax schemes we place less importance on the bonds that bring us together as a society. I don't think this is good.

About the Tallaght Strategy, I think this had a limited impact on the improvement in the eceonomy. FG and FF have always had a cosy releationship when it suits them. They have very similar policies, 'vote for us because we're not them'. I think the politicans were largely left playing catch-up when the economy took off. The real catalyst was the partnerhip agreements which introduce pay-restraint and stabitily in the work force. Along with the good work of the IDA and other agencies this helped to attract the investment that kick-started the economy. And I suppose the EU funds helped in some way despite the fact that they were grossly mis-managed and essentially used to but votes.

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