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From: Mike
Date: 18/12/99
Time: 22:25:21
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<<I have come to learn that some people can say what ever they want in this site and other people if they say one thing wrong that they get all there postings taken off the site>> Well MZ M is working for the owners of the site and as such has "editorial prerogative" which means that it's their site and they have the right to decide what is and isn't allowed. In the same way the newspapers don't have to publish the letters that every nutcase sends into them. <<What ever happened to a thing called freedom of speech when we could say whatever we wanted to and nothing would happen to us.>> Well freedom of speech isn't an absolute right. Nobody can make false accusations against people (libel/slander), Incite hatred against racial/ethnic groups, or shout "fire" in a crowded theatre to give just three examples but there's many more. With rights there are also responsibilities. <<As we can see mike he is perfect i every way on this site>>. Not true I have had postings deleted on this site too when I've (unintentionally) stepped over the line but I have always accepted M's right to do this and have never done anything to deliberately cause offence to anyone. Also I have always apologised when I have been in the wrong. <<well in my words he must not have a job or a life he seems to be here every day.>> At the moment I am unemployed (if its any of your business) but I wasn't posting any less frequently when I was working (and it wasn't from my PC at work) incidentally what do you do for a living MZ (since you brought the subject up) <<And then we have tiogar if anyone post's message's he is always in agreement with them and not posting his own message's he only follows them up>> I don't know about that myself and Tioga had quite a vigorous debate some time back (which we may take up again sometime soon BTW) <<And then we have obsession who is always saying the opposite to what people say and when he post's he always takes sides with people>>. Maybe but he/she does manage to have a bit of fun without going out of his/her way to cause offence to anyone <<Now on to bill door who has been here from the start and is the most annoying person on the bb he always has the most boring things to say about things and people.............Well it is pj turn he is soooooo boring.>> What was that you said about Freedom of speech MZ? Even If what you said about Bill Door and PJ was true (which it isn't) haven't they the right to say things even if some people find them boring <<Now Albert he is new here so it is very hard to say thing about him.>> Nice too see you give people a chance MZ very gracious of you. <<Rosie or rose who changed her name to roise after i had a go at her she is always very happy about things.>> Good for her Maybe we could all learn from her. <<Kharn who is the best friend of nurse he has some good posting's about M but that is all in real terms he is very quiet and post's about three times a week.>> Its hard to understand you MZ first you say I don't have a life because I'm on every day and then you complain about Kharn only being on three times per week. <<And then mango who is very strange he post's once and said something and then there are three more posting's with nothing in them>> Which you never did yourself MZ . <<NME is one of the least respected people on the bb.>> Least respected by who exactly MZ? <<pubber well what can i say.>> Oh go on say something we would all love to know <<Finally we have come to M the so called moderator who pulls a posting if it offends any people that say things about the people who pays for this site and if something's brakesdown in the site it will be a month before it gets fixed again.>> And there was MZ's own pathetic effort at a site which crashes the PC of anyone who looks at it and deleted their cookie files Your own attempt at a bulletin board wasn't exactly successful so who are you to slag other people's? HTTP Error 405 405 Method Not Allowed

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