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Re: Connaught Telegraph

Time: 02:29:25
Date: 10/12/99


Ya know Mikey _ and I'm gonna let loose here now ('Cos I'm after a half a bottle of grand Cabarnet Savignon) it's true. It seems quite ironic that Castlebar is probably one of the most "with it" technologically savvy (or has some of the most savvy people) towns in Ireland and fair play to M and the team being so on the ball in responding to the jobs page (so ya have a company seeking, and no doubt therey'll be more discussions here on the BB, on html and Java and C++) and yet along side that you have the main preoccupation of the CT being the fact that the Ambulance post is overun by Rats (It could be 400 years ago in London - "A plague on all yer houses"). It certainly seems like a conflict with one group trying to embrace the future and another afeared of the future, adamant to "play it safe" and stay slinking in the past, in misery. Forgive me if ye will but I'm full of passion now (Cos I just watched a grand cartoon on the TV which proved to me that there is a Santa Claus!) and I'm contemplating heading to the Quarterdeck for a few pint in half an hour. I might try to change me ticket so I can fit in a few more arguments prior to the 30th of the month, It'd be grand to get home for the craic and the ultimate Friday club party on Christmas eve. I doubt it but......

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