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Re: Any thoughts on the Cuban kid?

From: Mike
Time: 21:52:55
Date: 10/12/99


Im afraid the best interests of this kid take second place to political point scoring on this issue. If Castro had let the Childs mother enjoy her right to live where she wanted the kid would still have had a mother. On the other hand the Americans have no right to criticise the Cubans as long as they try to stop Mexican's etc entering their country. Theres no difference between having laws to keep people out of your country and having laws to keep them in. besides if it wasnt for the US economic blockade on Cuba maybe that family would have had a good life in their own country and wouldnt have felt the need to emigrate to the US in the first place. It all goes to show that in every country in this world the ego's of politicians (whether Left Right or centre) take precedence over the lives of ordinary people.

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