Mayo County Enterprise Board Bringing Jobs to Mayo

MAYO County Enterprise Board was set up in 1993 and represents a partnership approach to local economic development. It comprises representatives of Mayo County Council, the State Agencies (Forbairt, FAS and the Regional Tourism Organisation), the Social Partners (a farming representative. a trade union representative, an employers representative) Community Groups and others interested in local economic development.

Since it's inception in 1993, the Enterprise Board has been a tremendous success.

Between October 1993 and December 1997 a total of 276 separate small and micro enterprises in Mayo were in receipt of direct grant aid from the Board. Between them these enterprises have the potential to create 556 full time and 105 part time jobs.

The grant cost per job to the State in respect of jobs involved was £4,112 - this is below the grant cost per job which is the norm under other programmes of assistance.

Many of the programmes delivered have been designed as a direct response to the needs of client companies and reflects the bottom up approach which has been a hallmark of Mayo County Enterprise Board.

During 1998 the Mayo County Enterprise Board committed a total of £560,723 in grant aid to 47 different projects. These projects will lead, in time, to the creation of 122 full time and 14 part time jobs.

The ability of Mayo County Council to react positively to a situation was again evident in the securing of the Coca Cola plant for Ballina in North Mayo following the closure of the Asahi synthetic fibre plant in 1997. The North Mayo Task Force, set up in response, has resulted in the securing of the new Coca Cola plant for Ballina.

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