Ballinrobe team
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Click for the Heverin Photo Gallery - Created 19 August 2004 20:15:08 - Go to Castlebar
Ballinrobe Junior Golf team runners-up in the Connacht qualifier of the Cidona Junior Inter-Club Challenge (incorporating the Irish Junior Foursomes) held in Ballina Golf Club. Tara Gilleece Cidona, the competition sponsors, and Pasty Lynch from the Golfing Union of Ireland are pictured with members of the runners up team (Front Row L/R): Colm Gannon Junior Convenor, Charles Doherthy Captain Ballina Golf Club, Pasty Lynch G.U.I., Tara Gilleece Cidona. Back Row L/R: Edward Mcdermot, Kevin Keane, David O'Byrne, Chris Mellott, Walter Loughrey Captain and Balinrobe Junior Convenor. Pic. Heverin Photography.