What you can do for your Website

We want people living in Castlebar to contribute to the castlebar.ie Web site so send us material for inclusion. While we can't guarantee that everything submitted will be put up, we want the site to have a broad base and also to have a bit of 'meat' in it. So any topic even vaguely related to Castlebar is fair game for inclusion. There is no charge for inclusion so you can promote your business, club, society, etc. as well as contributing articles of historical or general information interest.

Also please sign our Guest Book - especially if you live in or around Castlebar itself or you are a Castlebar Exile or part of the famous Mayo Diaspora around the world. We will also set up links to any URLs received in the guest book from this site if you so desire.

The site should also provide some 'home thoughts from abroad' for Castlebarites living overseas - so let them know that the site exists. We have had a lot of e-mail from Castlebar people living in places as diverse as Hong Kong, Paris, Houston, New York, Boston, etc., etc. Keep the messages coming as it's good to know you're out there and still keeping up links with d'ould sod and Castlebar.

Very shortly we hope to be able to announce a major webcast initiative for Castlebar's CRC fm which will entail daily broadcasts from CRC fm across the Internet. We would like feedback from any 'listeners' hearing these broadcasts on the web. Details will be announced on the main home page when it happens - so keep an eye and an ear out for this.

The site is updated almost daily at present - as we are going through continual revisions - so don't get caught out by reading old cached versions of the site - e.g. use shift reload if you are a Netscape user or equivalent in Explorer.

And finally, are there any budding newshounds/reporters out there who might like to contribute short but regular columns - for the honour and glory of course - not for cash?

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About the Castlebar Web Server

Page maintained by Castlebar Information Age Town Project, info@castlebar.ie
Mayo Editorial Services mayoedit@iol.ieCopyright © CIAT. Created: 12 July 1997 Updated: 24 January 1999