Castlebar Businesses - Free Directory Listing - Submission Form

Castlebar Business Directory

If your business is based outside of Castlebar the listing costs €25 euro per annum. Submit the form and we will invoice you.

First check if you are already listed in the Castlebar Business Directory and then use this form if you are not already listed or if you wish to update the details currently listed.

Person Submitting:
Is this a revision of an existing Entry?
Company Name
Mailing Address
Contact Name:
Telephone Number for Listing
Email for public listing
Your Website if on Castlebar Server (free link)

Your Website - if it's on an external Server (External links are charged at €75. Please submit the form and we will invoice you. Your link will be included when payment is received.)

Description of Business
Up to 100 words free

Filename of emailed photograph (photographs are charged at €75 but free to those paying hosting charges on the Castlebar Server Network)

(Photographs should be sent as an email attachment to

Description of Your photo

Our local hosting partner Modata can provide a full Website hosting service at excellent rates - with full ecommerce facilities.

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