The history of Castlebar's governing authorities is coming along nicely and like most projects it has become a larger and more detailed endeavour than first planned but that only makes for a more comprehensive outcome.
My focus to date has been from 1750-1850 taking in Castlebar Corporation, the Grand Jury system and the beginnings of the Castlebar Poor Law Union. However, as bodies overlapped the positions of High Sheriff, Lords Lieutenant and County Governors were also examined in detail. Some great stories are emerging and show real insight into the Protestant gentry's attitude to Catholic demands for equal rights, the effectiveness of the different bodies in governing the imperial outcrop of Castlebar on behalf of parliament in Dublin and subsequently London and the political alphas who dominated local government. My attention will now focus on the years 1850-1898, the year of the all changing Local Government Act. If you have a story of interest or something you feel could be included or deserves more investigation please email me the details. All stories will have to be verified to be used. Available space will also have to be taken into consideration. All emails are received in confidence. Visit for updates.