March 26, 2003
Let me say its good to be back in my own corner and my own "leaba". But I did have a wonderful time in Ireland. Who put in the order for the great weather? It was unbelievable, not a drop of rain for a fortnight. I haven’t been out and about much here since I got back apart from taking my daughter to the airport for the final leg of her journey to Texas, to learn what the general consensus is on the war here locally in Virginia. (It started while I was in Ireland). Security was very tight from New York to Washington. We were pulled out of the queue in Shannon and my suitcase was searched.
It was great to meet PJ and Mar and put faces on the names. Mar thank you for the gift. I wish I had more time to chat with you both. Regretfully did not meet up with Celia, maybe next time. On that same note, with the weather being so wonderful, we were on the go all the time and regretfully did not catch up with Tempus, JDP, MD or md. I thought about you Tempus when I was having a 99 in Westport on a glorious evening after an afternoon in Bertra and Old Head. The Mall wasn’t quite finished to enjoy the 99 there. My daughter enjoyed her tennis match at the club, even though she got whipped.
I met up with old friends SH, PG, MG. And ran into many others in town and in Dublin. We walked up Croagh Moyle to the booster on St Patrick’s morning after Mass, ate our lunch in the Welcome Inn and ended up in Paddy Morans for the evening, there we met Johhny Mee and the bould Lar Davis. Missed most of the singing of my brother Ken and Lar, but I heard they were mighty. I also had a few nights in Johnny’s, great Guinness.
A big thumbs down to the remains of the Convent, shame on those who pulled it down. BTD to the builders/planners of the houses in Jack Flannery’s field, not a bit of green to be seen except in Jacks old house and the reek views gone forever.
A big thumbs up to the Tourmakeady Woods, waterfall and walks. Also to the Museum of Country Life, absolutely brilliant. (My first time seeing both). BTU also to the increasing ethnic diversity in the town. Castlebar for the most part seems to be welcoming to most newcomers.
Murrisk, I did not solve the