From Castlebar - County Mayo -
Mayo Associations World Convention 2011
By Michael Donnelly
9, Jun 2011 - 08:06

President Mary McAleese and Dr Martin McAleese with the speakers at the Mayo Worldwide Convention. Photo Michael Donnelly.

k Mulderrig who won an All Ireland Senior Football medal for Mayo 1951 pictured with Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD and Frank Fleming Mayo Association Dublin at the Mayo Associations Worldwide Convention 2011 Gala dinner in Hotel Westport. Photo: © Michael Donnelly 2011.

Special Guest at Mayo Associations Worldwide Convention 2011 Gala Dinner - Taoiseach Enda Kenny, T.D., is presented with a framed family photo from 1973 by Sean Reid, Chairman Mayo Associations Worldwide Convention 2011 committee in Hotel Westport, Westport. Photo: © Michael Donnelly 2011.

Naval Guard of Honour drawn from the ranks of the Naval Service Reserve inspected by Taoiseach Enda Kenny to the Mayo Associations World Convention 2011 at Hotel Westport, Westport Co Mayo.

The President Mary McAleese attended the Mayo Worldwide Associations World Convention 2011.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, pictured on his arrival for the Mayo Association Worldwide Convention 2011 at Hotel Westport, Co Mayo, with from left Cora Kelly, Newport, Gabrielle Hurst, Tuam, Clodagh Geraghty, Castlebar, Kathleen Kelly and Sharon McGreal Newport. Photo: Michael Donnelly.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, is welcomed to the Mayo Association Worldwide Convention 2011 at Hotel Westport, Westport Co Mayo by Cllr Tereasa McGuire Mayor of Westport and Peter Hynes, County Manager Mayo Co Co, included in photo are L-R Commodore Mark Mellett and Comdt Michael Treacy, Taoiseach's aide-de-camp. Photo: Michael Donnelly.

Brendan Duffy PRO at the Mayo Associations World Convention 2011 at Hotel Westport. Photo: Michael Donnelly.

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD pictured with Sean and Maureen Noone Belmullet, atthe Mayo Association Worldwide Convention 2011 at Hotel Westport. Photo: Michael Donnelly.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny, T.D. was Guest of Honour at the Gala Dinner at the Mayo Association Worldwide Convention 2011 at Hotel Westport, Westport, is speaking of a young man getting his first Cheque from his job and the independence it gave him. Photo: Michael Donnelly.

Peter Hynes, Mayo Co Manager pictured with Noel Howley Mayo Association Dublin and Cllr Gerry Coyle at the Mayo Associations Worldwide Convention 2011 Gala dinner in Hotel Westport, Westport. Photo: © Michael Donnelly 2011.
Check out a larger gallery of more photos from the Mayo Worldwide Convention 2011 held in Westport on:
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Dividend from Mayo Worldwide Convention.
An Taoiseach reviews Naval Guard of Honour.
Mayo Entrepreneurs Speak.
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