Last Updated: 2, Apr 2018 - 10:02 |
The Organisation for Women in Business, The Professions and the Arts. In association with The Bank of Ireland
NETWORK MAYO, the Organisation for women in Business, the Professions and the Arts, was founded in November 1993, and is a branch of NETWORK IRELAND, which now has over 1000 members nationwide. The Aims and Objectives are:
- To provide a forum for women in the Professions, Industry, Business, Trade, Government Departments and the Arts for the exchange of ideas and to establish or increase contact at a business level.
- To enable members to assist and encourage each other to achieve more effective and satisfying careers.
- To assist and encourage women in the on-going development of their careers.
- To assist in marketing the skills and expertise of members.
- To liase with National and International organisations.
- To establish and maintain links at all levels of Government and Stat Agencies.
- Through the joint efforts of the members, to promote the welfare of the Community.
Network is affiliated to the Small Firms Association and members can avail of all of their information and facilities.
NETWORK IRELAND is sponsored by the Bank of Ireland.
NETWORK MAYO Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in the upstairs meeting room at the offices of The Castlebar Chamber of Commerce. Each month there is a guest speaker to speak on business related topics. Members are also encourages to give profiles of themselves and their businesses, and to present their business cards to other members. A great deal of "networking" is done over the cuppa at the end of the evening. There is a social side to the Organisation also. There is a Summer Event and a Christmas Lunch every year, as well as other National Events, i.e. National Conference held every October, and National Women's Day celebrated in March.
The Officers for 2000 are:
- President: Marie Healy Walsh, Castlebar Security Centre.
- Hon. Secretary and PRO: Frankie Forde Waldron, Breaffy, Castlebar.
- Treasurer: Maura Harrison, Manager, Bank of Ireland, Castlebar.
The e-mail address of Network Mayo is ffwaldron@eircom.net.
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