Last Updated: 2, Apr 2018 - 10:02 |
After an unforeseen break due to the Foot and Mouth scare, Network Mayo are back in business, with the May Meeting coming up on Monday 14th May, at the Chamber of Commerce Offices, in Castlebar, at 8.15 p.m. Our Guest will be Mr. Michael Kilcoyne, Chairperson of The Consumer Association of Ireland, who has very kindly agreed to speak and to enlighten us on the rights of the consumer, which is a topic that is of interest to everyone. In these days when we are all very conscious of our rights, this is a golden opportunity to come along and ask questions on anything which has to do with consumer rights. The meeting is open to members of the public, but places must be reserved as space is limited. Contact Marie Healy Walsh to reserve your place at 094-24712 or 087-8120320. The members are indebted to Mr. Kilcoyne for rescheduling this meeting to accommodate us.
Also to be decided at this meeting will be the Summer Outing, so members are asked to come and be involved in their Organization. The network website is now up and running and is available on www.networkireland.ie. Network Members are invited to promote their business on the web and to send in their profile and photograph to Marie as soon as possible. This service is available free of charge. Also, don't forget the Bank of Ireland Affinity Scheme which is available to members, courtesy of our main sponsors, Bank of Ireland.
The Network Conference will take place in the Conrad Hotel on October 5th, 6th and 7th this year. More about this at the meeting ! A reminder that this year's subscription is now due if you want to stay on the Mailing List. NETWORK is the Organisation for women in Business, the Professions and the Arts, and an information pack is available from the President, Marie Healy Walsh at Castlebar Security Centre, Thomas St., Castlebar.
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