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Posted by Brian Hoban on October 27, 2012 at 11:44:22:

Jack Frost
English folklore says that it is Jack Frost, a little elfish creature that spreads frost on a cold winter's morning. The origins of Mr Frost are unclear; some believe he is a Viking invention "Jokul" of "Frosti" meaning "Icicle" or "Frost". It is said that Jack Frost is son of Kari, God of the winds.

Others think the fellow is an Anglo-Saxon creation, which ever you choose to believe, it still means that Jack Frost personifies the crisp cold weather of winter and therefore is to blame for the ice on the roads when we are trying to get to work in winter time or when are car doors are jammed shut as they have been frozen to the body of the car.

In Russia, Jack Frost is known as Father Frost, whose job is to bind together Earth and water with heavy chains, In Germany, it is an old woman who creates the snow when she shakes out her bed of white feathers.

Jack Frost has been portrayed in many works of fiction over the years, Cecily Pike wrote a nursery rhyme about the creature which began with the words "Look out! Look out! Jack Frost is about! He's after your fingers and toes!" This is a scary prospect for a child to be singing about, but if it helps to make children wrap up warm then I guess it works.

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