Castlebar Chamber of Commerce will hold an Information Evening on Wednesday 10th September in the Welcome Inn Hotel at 8pm. The evening is for chamber members and members of the public who are interested in learning more about the chamber’s activities. Keynote speaker for the evening is Michelle Hallinan, Area Account Manager for Vodafone. Michelle will speak about the Vodafone "Passion for the World Around Us Awards" which Castlebar Chamber are co-ordinating for the Western Region.
The aim of these awards is to acknowledge people who demonstrate a keen commitment to improving the world in which we live. The awards programme will honour those people who have made a positive difference to their community. The Vodafone "Passion for the world Around Us Awards" will be awarded quarterly and nomination forms are available in the Chamber Offices, Spencer St. or in the Vodafone Shop, Main St. nominations can also be submitted on line by logging on to