Mirror Dinghy 69608 for Sale
- Many suits of sails
- Under, over and mast up covers
- Trolley and road trailer
- Lots of spares
- Pinnell and Bax custom built
- Dry stored and very quick
01 849 1465; 087 9650 440
Mirror Dinghy 69824 for Sale
12th Europeans 1998, 3rd Northerns 2002
Fast boat with very little use
Exquisite condition, new paintwork
New suit of sails and lots of spares, Good trolley, covers
Contact Clodagh O’Sullivan (Swords) 01 8403052 / 0861060643
Mirror Dinghy 62336 for Sale
New summer 2002, sailed 4 events. 8th Nationals, 8th Easterns & 24th European Championships. All new sails and fittings. Immaculate cond. must be seen. Comes with very best Trident spars, Trident sails, trolley, under & over covers, laminated foils and foilbag. Very fast boat and tuned for racing. A top ten boat at half the price. Must sell hence Reduced price of 4,000euros Price: €4000 Advertised by: John Chambers johncham@hotmail.com
Telephone: 087-7476297 Location: Co Dublin
Lenam 420 Dinghy (2002) for Sale
- IRL 50810
- New for 2002 season
- Top 5 in two Regional events
- Second Irish boat at Junior Europeans
- C/w sails (2 jibs 1 main 1 spinnaker), foils, all rigging, trolley, trailer and covers.
- Fully tuned for racing.
- Mint Condition, must be seen.
€9000 ono
Contact: Ian McGonigle Ianmcgonigle@eircom.net
Home : 01 849 0382
Mobile: 086 314 8763
Benateau First 24 for Sale
Including trailer. 1986. 2 suits of sails, 2x mains, 2x Genoa's, 1x spinnaker. The boat has a 1998 8 hp Yamaha engine in well. 7/8`s rig with single spreader, z-spar section with headsail foil fitted. This boat was sailed on 3 occasions only this season.
The yacht has suffered slight damage as she broke her moorings and was grounded. The lifting keel will need some attention, and a little work to her hull. She has been surveyed since and has a clean bill of health other than the previous ly mentioned. Asking price was 16,950. 00 euro, reduced to 14,500.00.
Also for sale is a new Yamaha 250 tender also used 3 times, with Yamaha 3hp outboard. These can be sold separately. Asking price is 1300.00 euro.
Please contact Noel Whelan home 096-43980 / mobile 086-8376506.
Mayo Sailing Club