Mayo Sailing Club
Rosmoney. Westport. Co Mayo.
Tel 098 26160
Welcome to a new season at Mayo Sailing Club
The AGM of Mayo Sailing Club was held in the clubhouse in Rosmoney on the 1/11/02, the following officers and committee were elected.
David Baird Commodore 087 2362124
Gerry Daly Hon. Secretary 087 2713821
Seamus Sammon Treasurer / Vice Commodore 087 6691758.
The Following Committee were elected, Joe McGovern rear Commodore Blair Stanaway, Damien Cashin, Gair Gordon, Brian Quinn, John Gilivan, Alan McCormick, Pat Hughes Sean O’Conghaile Shelia Ryan, Angus Bouke
Subscriptions for this season are now due, the prices are as follows :
Single € 140 Beginner € 80 Family € 220 Country € 80Junior € 75
Please forward to Seamus Salmon as soon as possible at Permanent TSB Ellison St Castlebar.
Launching of the boats will take place on Sunday the 30thth of March and Friday the 4th of April.
Launching Supper will be held in the Atlantic Coast Hotel Westport on Saturday the 5th of April
There will be a Safety Course held in the Clubhouse on Saturday the 22nd of March all boats are asked to send a representative, Racing Skippers should note that it is condition in the sailing instructions and that at least one crew member of each boat have attended the course, contact Angus Bourke at 094 25404 to put your name down it is limited to thirty.
The Club has purchased four new race marks and there is a greatly expanded race card incorporating nine marks and the usual spring, summer and Autumn Series. New features: - Tuesday evening Dinghy Series, and Sunday Summer Series for Dinghies (noon), and Cruisers (4pm.), all series will be sponsored. Notice of Races, Sailing Instructions and Detailed Schedule will be issued in February, frostbite dinghy series in association with GMIT is planned for February to March (Sun noon), the Cruising Captain is planning a series of cruise planning nights and cruises over the summer.
Junior Sailing course will take place on will start on the 30th of June and will run for eight Weeks ending on the 22nd of August there are already over ninety entrants, Any queries contact Gair Gordon on 087 2408779.
There will be a special meeting of Mayo Sailing Club held in Dalys Hotel Castlebar on Monday the 17th of February to decide on the future of the Club, all members are requested to attend.
Gerry Daly
Hon Secretary
Download your Membership Form
GMIT Sailing Outing