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Sports : Special Olympics Last Updated: 2, Apr 2018 - 10:02

Our School's Got Talent
By Breda McNabb
14, Sep 2010 - 02:27

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Special Olympics Connaught Launch "Our School's Got Talent 2010/11

In the wake of a €250,000 reduction in the organisations government funding Special Olympics Connaught is launching a major fundraising initiative and is pleased to announce details of a   secondary schools Talent competition:


The project is designed to both broaden the awareness of the work of Special Olympics and also generate much needed funds for our charity.
Mayor of Sligo Matt Lyons and Special Olympics CEO Mat English launch Ourschoolsgottalent contest a fundraiser for Special Olympics Connacht.

The competition will be open to all secondary school students in Connacht and carries a total prize fund of €20,000.  Each county will have its own individual competition with a prize fund of €3,000 with eight contestants from each county progressing to the provincial knock out stages. The Connacht final will be held in the prestigious Royal Theatre Castlebar on March 16th. 2011.

Mayo gets proceedings underway with heats during the month of October in Ballina, Castlebar and Claremorris. If you are a secondary school student in Mayo and can sing, dance, juggle, are in a band or can make people laugh, this is the competition for you.

Full details and information are available on our website and also on Facebook at OURSCHOOLSGOTTALENT CONNACHT

Entry forms can be downloaded from the webpage or you can contact either the project

Co-ordinator Breda Rabbitte on or your school principal.

The closing date for the Mayo competition is Thursday October 29th



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