Paint the Feeling!
Art exhibitions will be held all over Ireland in June as part of the cultural programme of the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games. These exhibitions will be held all round the island of Ireland and will consist of art from participating international delegations together with art from local Host Town communities. Everyone is encouraged to get involved, particularly individuals and groups with a learning disability. The theme of the exhibition is Share the Feeling!
The exhibition is a great opportunity for us to showcase and raise awareness of the many talents and abilities of people in our local community. It’s an opportunity to involve individuals other than athletes in the Games- especially people with a learning disability who might not participate in sport or athletes who haven’t yet made it to the games in their chosen sport.
Castlebar’s Art Exhibition will be held in the Library from the 6th-29th June. Ivor Hamrock in the library is accepting artwork up until the 30th April so come on- get painting!
For further information please contact Carmel Dooley on 087-2349903
Castlebar Special Olympics Host Town Committee would like to thank all those who have generously volunteered their time to help out with the Host Town programme. The committee has been overwhelmed with the response to its search for volunteers. Carmel Dooley, Volunteer Co-ordinator would like to remind all volunteers to complete the official Special Olympics application form and return it as soon as possible to Special Olympics World Summer Games 2003,Freepost, P.O. Box 2003 Dublin 7.The official application is available from O’Brien’s Sandwich Bar, Castlebar.
Volunteers are reminded that unless they complete this application process they cannot be registered or insured as a volunteer by Special Olympics Head Office in Dublin. Castlebar Host Town Committee will contact all volunteers in the next few weeks with details of a regional volunteer training session. With just 89 days to go until the start of the Games, Castlebar Host Town Committee is looking forward to 'sharing the feeling' of pride and optimism that this unique event inspires! For further details contact Carmel Dooley 087-2349903