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Clubs Annual projects


There are just two projects, which the club undertake on an annual basis.

The St. Patricks Day Parade, and the Castlebar Pantomime.

The St, Patrick’s Day Parade has been recorded by the club for several years now. In recent years the club have intermixed the festivities by interviewing people attending the parade particularly those visiting the town. The parade is then transmitted, later on the community TV network and has proved to be very popular indeed.


The Castlebar Pantomime:

The Castlebar Pantomime is very popular particularly with the kids.

The club have just completed this years panto ALADIN which was held in the Travelers Friend Hotel Castlebar on January the 20th 2001.    

The club used four cameras and mixed the event live. This was  a great experience for the club and involved an incredible amount of work.

The club were very pleased with the result and are looking forward to recording similar events in the future.



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