Network Ireland is a progressive dynamic organisation for women in business, the professions, industry, trades, government departments and the arts.
Formed in Dublin 20 years ago, it has branches in Kildare, Laois, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Waterford and now Mayo. Each region meets monthly, inviting guest speakers to talk about current topics of interest. This is seen as a valuable educational function, good for making business contacts and forming working and social relationships. Sessions where members describe the history of their businesses provides a showcase for members, while social occasions allow members to concentrate on getting to know each other without any particular agenda.
Network Ireland's membership is an excellent representation of career women in Ireland today and includes women owned small and medium sized businesses; women in management with large international and multinational corporations; women in the financial and banking sector; senior managers in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector; women in engineering and the environment; the professions, trades, crafts and arts; government departments, the horticulture sector and the technology sector. Many of our members are major players in the field of enterprise, trade and employment and active policy makers and implementers in local and central government.
This diversity of membership allows for the cross-fertilization of ideas through interaction of members in the local branches and at national events. The Network activities are seen as valuable in creating a forum for networking opportunities, both internally and externally.
Network Ireland addresses the needs of women in two distinct stages in their development.
It is a support and confidence building organisation for women starting in business, the professions and the arts where they can develop and pool their individual skills through interaction with other women in a supportive environment which offers training, mentoring and an opportunity for women to call on other women with specialist expertise for help.
Network Ireland is also a forum in which established women can develop professional and social contacts to ensure that woman’s contributions and influence is recognised as a vital force in the corridors of power, including the professions industry and the arts.
Network Ireland Website