Castlebar Information Age Town County Mayo Ireland see our webcam, video tours, read the bulletin board, join in community activities
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Castlebar Information Age Town, County Mayo in the West of Ireland. Our information age town projects are sponsored by eircom
Castlebar Information Age Town, County Mayo, Ireland - WebSite sponsored by eircom

A Cold Weekend in Castlebar

How to set your Home Page to Castlebar

Discuss it on the Castlebar Bulletin Board

Muirsín Durcan's photograph of Croagh Patrick this week.

What it Says in the Papers: Get your fix of local news with our review of the weekly papers for Castlebar and Mayo.

Interactive Local Government: Have you ever wanted to tell Mayo County Council how to organise Castlebar's roads? Here's your chance - the Castlebar Roads feedback form. Don't say you weren't asked! This is your chance to send feedback directly to Mayo County Council.

Castlebar Concert Band:  Check out the all new Castlebar Concert Band and Youth Orchestra web site! Next Concert in the Travellers Friend Hotel Thursday, 8th March.

Shanghai Noon: Luca Brasi reviews Jackie Chan's hilarious Western Spoof Shanghai Noon

Jackie Chan

Swimming Club News: Check out the latest winners and the 2001 Swimming Calendar with the Castlebar Swimming Club 2001 update

Mayo League Dinner

Pictured at the Mayo League annual dinner in the Failte Suite, Welcome Inn Hotel, Castlebar, front from left: Deputy Michael Ring TD, Marion Casby, of Knock United, Niall Harrison, FAI Regional Development officer, and Michael Fox, Mayo League. At back: Seamus Hughes, Vice-Chairman, Richie Donohue, Chairman Knock Utd, Joe Butler, Mayo League. Photo: Michael Donnelly

Music at the Linenhall- Joanna Mac Gregor

Arts: Joanna Mac Gregor appearing at the Linenhall next Wednesday, 21st. March at 8:30pm.

Castlebar Storytime:  Following Man Us wipe out of Arsenal last week read Geri's timely story, Tir-na-Thin, featuring your favourite celebrities Posh and Becks

GAA update: Mitchel's News February 27th 2001. Read it here first Get all the latest news from your local GAA team.

Cork Week Regatta 2000:  Seamus Moneley sent us his experiences of the Cork Week Regatta 2000.  A must-read for all with a sailing interest.

In view of the Foot and Mouth Crisis Should Schools Close?


Results so Far

If you have a comment on the result let everyone know on the Bulletin Board.

Chamber of Commerce

Croi Ball

Michael Donnelly: Michael's photographs of people from Castlebar and County Mayo is building up steadily into a gallery of Castlebar and Mayo faces.

Keith Heneghan: Have a look at Keith's striking photographs. You will have seen many of them in the National Press.


Testing a New News Feed...
Castlebar in Sound and Vision

The Old Bacon Factory: A look back into the life and times of workers in the Old Bacon Factory. Featuring an interview with Johnny Mee, Cathaoirleach of Castlebar Urban Council.

Castlebar Four Days Walks: Ramble on the Burren mountain with the walkers and get their views on Castlebar's Four days Walks festival

The Aladdin Video: Castlebar pantomime 2001 Oh yes it is! Oh no it's not! - Aladdin - Castlebar's 2001 Pantomime on the web - get a taste of this great Panto.

Moon Eclipse: Howling at the Moon? Watch the Eclipse in Realvideo... Our pioneering cameraman took the camera out in the cold to record the moon's comings and goings.

U-TURN: Big Brother is watching you on Castlebar's Traffic Cam. Watch for the small red car!

CRCfm: Castlebar's Community Radio Live RealAudio webcast from CRCFM - 11:00 to 21:00 weekdays and 9:00 to 18:00 weekends. Click on the link to the CRCfm web site

You Need RealPlayer to watch these videos: If you don't have Real Player software installed on your computer you can download it from the website. The RealPlayer Basic 8 is free.

Ballyheane fundraiser: Come to Ballyheane Community Council's fundraiser in Breaffy House Hotel March 9th 10.30pm - 1.30pm with music by the Hillsiders. Funds are for renovation of the Ballyheane Community Centre.

We are in County Mayo - the Wild Wild West of Ireland: An Information Age Town.