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Community Groups : Orthodox Services Castlebar Last Updated: 2, Apr 2018 - 10:02

Easter Vigil
3, May 2013 - 13:42

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Saturday 4th May 2330pm Church of the Holy Rosary Castlebar Holy Orthodox Easter Vigil Pascha All are most Welcome.

Pascal Mattins 1150pm Veneration of shroud of Our Lord for last time followed by lighting of the Pascal Candle from the Eternal flame.

Procession around the Church three times in honour of those Holy women who first went to the Tomb, Solemn singing of the Resurrection.

Troparion "Christ in Risen from the Dead" in different languages, the singing of the Pascal Kanon of St John Damascene during which Church is incensed the reading of the Pascal sermon of St John and singing of the Antiphon Solem celbration of the Divine Liturgy ( Mass ) foods to be blessed after the liturgy please bring traditional foods and eggs to be blessed at this Liturgy.

On behalf of our Orthodox Catholic Churches ( eastern Rite) May we wish Canon John Cosgrove and the Reverend Clergy the Parish team and Parishioners and the people of Castlebar A happy Holy Pascha " Christ is Risen " Risen Indeed.


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