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Orthodox Calendar Castlebar for February 2012
4, Feb 2012 - 10:33

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Sunday 5th February Afterfeast of The Meeting (Begining of The Triodion)

Orthodox Liturgy 3-30pm Church of Holy Rosary Castlebar All Are Most Welcome.

Please Note The Solemn Fast of Great Lent Begins on Monday 27th February.

Monday 6th Fast Free Afterfeast of Meeting. St Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople (891)
St Bucolus, Bishop of Smyrna (C100) Virgin-Martyr Dorothy At Caesarea In Cappadocia (288-300)
Martyr Julian of Emesa (312) St Barsanuphius The Great and St John The Prophet (Gaza 6th) St Vedast, Bishop of Arras (539)

Tuesday 7th Fast-Free Afterfeast of Meeting The 1003 Martyrs of Nicomedia (303)
St Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus on The Hellespont (4th) St Luke of Hellas (953) Hieromartyr Vladimir, Metroploitian of
Kiev (1918)

Wednesday 8th Fast-Free Afterfeast of Meeting.
Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates (The General) (319) Prophet Zacharia (C20bc) St Cuthman, Hermit of Steyning (8th)
St Sava The Second, Archbishop of Serbia (1271)

Thursday 9th Fast Free Leavetaking of Meeting. Hieromartyr Marcellus, Bishop of Sicily, Philagrius, Bishop of Cyprus,
and Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina (1st) Martyr Nicephorus, of Antioch In Syria (C257) St Peter of Damascus (12th)
New Martyrs Fr Dimitri Klepinin (France 1944) and His Companions Elias Fondaminsky (1942) and George Skobtsov (1944)

Friday 10th Fast Free Hieromartyr Haralambos, Bishop of Magnesia In Thessaly (202)
St Scolastica, Sister of St Benedict (543) St Anna Princess of Novgorod (1056)

Saturday 11th Fast Free Saturday of Prodigal Son. Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste (C316)
Empress Theodora, Restorer of The Icons (C867) St Demetrius, Wonderworker of Priluk (Vologda (1392)

Sunday 12th Fast-Free Sunday of Prodigal Son. New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.
St Meletius, Archbishop of Antichoc (381) St Mary (Who Was Called Marinus), and Her Father, St Eugene, At Alexanandria (6th)
St Alexis, Metropolitian of Moscow and Wonder-Worker of All Russia (1378)
New Martyr, The Gardener (Albania 1748) St Meletius, Archbishop of Kharkov (1840) Iveron (Lberian) Icon of The Most Holy Theotokos.

Monday 13th The Apostles Aquila and Priscilla (1st) St Martinian of Caesarea In Palestine (5th)
Sts Zoe and Phontinia (5th) St Eulogius, Archbishop of Alexandria (607-8) St Stephen (In Monasticism Symeon), The Myrrh-Flowing, Prince of Serbia (1199)

Tuesday 14th St Maron, Hermit, of Syria (5th) St Abraham, Bishop of Charres In Mesopototamia (5th) St Auxentius of Bithynia (C470)
Repose of St Cyril Equal-To-The-Apostles and Teacher of The Slavs (869) St Isaac The Recluse, of The Kiev Caves (1090)

Wednesday 15th Fast Day Apostle Onesimus, of The Seventy (C109) St Antimus of Chios (1960)

Thursday 16th Martyr Pamphilus At Caesarea In Palestine (307-9) St Flavian The Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople (449)

Friday 17th Fast-Day Great Martyr Theodore The Recruit (C306) St Mariamne, Sister of Apostle Philip (1st)
Hieromartyr Hermogen, Patriarch of Moscow and Wonder-Worker of All Russia (1612)

Saturday 18th Saturday of Meatfare. Memorial Saturday. St Leo The Great, Pope of Rome (461) St Agapetus The Confessor
Bishop of Synnada In Phrygia (4th)

Sunday 19th Sunday of Meat-Fare Sunday of Last Judgement.
Apostles Archippus and Philemon, of The Seventy, and Martyr Apphias (1st)
New Martyr Philothei of Athens (1589) St Theodore (Ushakov) of Sanaskar (1791)

Monday 20th St Leo, Bishop of Catania (Sicily C780) St Dionysius, Pope of Rome (268)
Hieromartyr Sadoc (Sadoth) Bishop of Persia (342-4) St Agathon, Pope of Rome (682)

Tuesday 21st Meat-Fast St Symbola In Bithynia (9th). St Eustathius, Archbishop of Antioch (C3370

Wednesday 22nd Meat-Fast Uncovering of Relics of Martyrs At Gate of Eugenius At Constantinople (395-423)
St Athanasius The Confessor, of Constantinople (826)

Thursday 23rd Meat-Fast Hieromartyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (167) St Alexander, Founder of The Monastery
of The Unsleeping Ones (C430) St John The Harvester (Theristis) of Mt Consolino (Calabria 11th) St Polycarp
of Briansk (1620-1) St Zenobius, Metropolitan of Tetri-Tskaro (Russia, Georgia 1985)

Friday 24th Meat-Fast First (4th) Second (452) Finding of The Honourable Head of Holy Glorious Prophet
, Forerunner and Baptist John.

Saturday 25th Meat-Fast Saturday of Cheese-Fare Commemoration of All Monks and Nuns.
St Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople (806)

Sunday 26th Meat-Fast Sunday of Cheesefare. The Expulsion of Adam From Paradise. Forgiveness Sunday.
Martyr Photini (Svetlana) The Samaritan Woman (1st) St Porphyrius, Bishop of Gaza (420)

Monday 27th Fast-Day First Week of Great -Lent
St Procopius The Confessor of Decapolis (8th)
St Thallelaeus, Hermit of Syria (460) Great Canon of St Andrew.

Tuesday 28th Fast-Day St Basil The Confessor, Companion of St Procopius At Decapolis (750)
Sts Marana and Cyra (Syria 4th -5th) St Nicolas Salos of Pskov, Fool-For-Christ (1576)

Wednesday 29th Fast-Day St John Cassian The Roman (435) Great Canon of St Andrew.of Crete.


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