Holy Orthodox Liturgy 3-30pm Church of Holy Rosary Castlebar
6th November 21st Sunday Sunday of Commemoration of The Dead Please Bring The Lists of The Deceased Members of Your Family and Friends To Be Remembered and Prayed For In This Liturgy and Throughout The Month
Monday 7th November Thirty-Three Martyrs of Melitene (3rd) St Lazarus, The Wonder-Worker of Mt Galesion.
Tuesday 8th Synaxis of The Archangel Michael, and Other Bodiless Powers: Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salathiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, and Jeremiel.
Wednesday 9th St Nektarious Kephalas, Metropolitan of Pentapolis (1920) St Theoctiste of The Isle of Lesbos (881) St Euthymius and St Neophytus, Founders of Docheiariou Monastery (Mt Athos 10th) St Job Patriarch of Moscow (1606) Icon of The Most Holy Theotokos, She Who Is Quick To Hear.
Thursday 10th Apostles, Eratus, Olympas, Herodian, Sosipater, Quartus, and Tertius, of The Seventy. (1st) Martyr Orestes (304) St Arsenius of Cappadocia (1924)
Friday 11th Martys Menas of Egypt (304) Victor At Damascus (2nd) and Vincent of Spain (204) Martyr Stephanida of Spain (2nd) St Martin The Merciful, Bishop of Tours (397) St Theodore, The Confessor, Abbott of Studion (826) St Stephen Urosh, King of Serbia , Founder of Dechani (1331)
Saturday 12th St John The Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria (619). St Nilus The Faster, of Sinai (5th) St Nilus The Myrr-Flowing, of Lavra (Mtathos 1651)
Sunday 13th 22nd Sunday after Pentecost St John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople (407)
Monday 14th Holy Apostle Philip (1st) St Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica (1359) St Philip, Abbot of Irap Near Novgorod (1537) Constantine, New Martyr of Hydra (1800)
Tuesday 15th Beginning of Nativity Fast
Fast Day (Wine Oil) Martyrs and Confessors Gurias, Somonas, and Abibus, of Edessa (299-306)
Wednesday 16th Fast Day (Wine Oil) Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew. (60) St Fulvianus, Prince of Ethopia, In Baptism Matthew.(1st) St Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons (449)
Thursday 17th Fast Day (Wine Oil) St Gregory The Wonder-Worker of Neo-Caesarea (C266-70) St Gregory Bishop of Tours (594)
Friday 18th Fast Day Martyr Plato of Ancyra (C306). Martyr Romanus The Deacon, of Caesarea In Cappadocia ( C304) St Philaret, Metroploitian of Moscow (1867) New Martyrs Elias Fondaminsky (France 1942)
Saturday 19th Fast Day ( Fish, Wine Oil) Prophet Obadiah (Abdias 9thbc) Martyr Barlaam of Caesarea (C304)
Sunday 20th Fast Day ( Wine Oil) 23rd Sunday after Pentecost Fore-Feast of Entry of The Most Holy Theotokos Into The Temple. St Gregory Decapolites (816) St Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople (446-7)
Monday 21st Fast Day ( Fish, Wine Oil) The Entry of The Most Holy Theotokos Into The Temple.
Tuesday 22nd Fast Day (Wine Oil) after Feast of Entry Into The Temple Apostles Philemon and Archippus, of The Seventy, Martyr Apphia, Equal-To-The-Apostles, Wife of Philemon, and Onesimus, Disciple of St Paul (1st) Martyrs Cecilia, Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus, At Rome ( C230) St Kallistosthe Second (Xantropoulos) Patriarch of Constantinople ( 1397)
Wednesday 23rd Fast Day, Afterfeast of Entry Into Temple. St Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium (394) St Gregory of Agrigentum (6th-7th) St Deinol The Younger (C615) St Alexander Nevsky (1263) St Metrophan ( In Schema Macarius ), Bishop of Voronezh (1703)
Thursday 24th Fast Day ( Greek Use Wine Oil) ( Russian Use Fish, Wine Oil) Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome (101) (Greek Use) Hieromartyr Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria (311)
Friday 25th Fast Day ( Greek Use, Wine Oil) Leavetaking of Entry Into Temple. St Clement, Bishop Orchid and Enlightener of Bulgarians (1916)
Saturday 26th Fast Day ( Fish, Wine Oil) St Stylianos of Paphlagonia, Protector of Children (4th-6th) St Alypius The Stylite of Adrianopolis (7th) St Acacius of Sinai (7th) St Nikon, Preacher of Repentance (10th) St Nikon of The Black Mountain (C 1100) St Innocent , First Bishop of Irkutsk (1731) New Martyr George At Chios ( 1808)
Sunday 27th Fast Day ( Fish, Wine Oil)24th Sunday after Pentecost Great Martyr James The Persian ( 421) St Fergal of Salzburg (784) St Gregory of Sinai (and Mt Athos 1346)
Monday 28th Fast Day Martyr Stephen The New Monk of Mt St Auxentius (764) Martyrs Irenarchus and Seven Women Martyrs At Sebaste.
Tuesday 29th Fast Day ( Wine Oil) Martyr Paramon In Bithynia ( 250) St Saturninus, Bishop of Toulouse, Marty (250)
30th Fast Day ( Wine Oil) Holy Apostle Andrew The First Called (62) St Frumentius, Archbishop of Abyssinia ( Ethiopa C 380)