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Orthodox Liturgy and Calendar for June
11, Jun 2016 - 09:51

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Sunday 12th June Eastern Rite Liturgy (Mass) 2:30pm Church of the Holy Rosary Castlebar after Gospel of the day Novena prayers to Saint Sharbel and anointing with holy oil from Saints tomb for all present more details 0876564738. All are most welcome.

13th June. Third Day of The Trinity. Fast Free. Prophet Elisha (9th)
Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyna In Crete (3rd-4th) St Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople (847)
St Nipon (Mt Athos 1411) St Justin (Popvich) of Celije (1979)

14th June Fast-Free Afterfeast of Pentecost.
Prophet Amos (8thbc) St Jerome(420) Stlazarus, Prince of Serbia (1389)
and All Martyrs of Serbia. St Jonah, Metropolitian of Moscow (1461)

15th June After-Feast of Pentecost Fast Free. St Tychon, Bishop of Amathus In Cyprus (4th-5th)

16th June. Fast-Free Afterfeast of Pentecost. Manuel, Sabel, and Ismael of Persia
(362) St Nectan of Hartland, Martyr

17th June Fast -Free Leavetaking of Pentecost.
Martyrs Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus, At Tripoli In Syria (70-79)

18th June 1 All Saints. Holy Apostle Jude, The Brother of The Lord. (C80) Martyr Zosimas The Soldier At Antioch In Prisidia (2nd)
St Paisius The Great (5th) St John The Solitary of Jerusalem (6th)
St Job, First Patriarch of Moscow (1607) St Paisius of Chilander (Bulgarian 18th)

The Beginning of The Apostles Fast.

19th June Fast-Day Hieromartyr Methodius, Bishop of Patra (312)

20st June Fast-Day Hieromartyr Terence (Tertius) Bishop of Iconium (1st)
Martyr Julian of Tarsus In Cilica (3rd-4th) Martyrs Archil 11 (784) and Luarsab11 (1622)
Kings of Georgia.

21nd June Fast-Day (Wine Oil) St Alban Protomartyr of Britain (C209)
Hieromartyr Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata (380) Hieromartyr Nicetas of Remesiana (C414)
St Paulinus, Bishop of Nola (431) St Gregory The Didascalos, Metroploitian of Wallachia (1834) St Alexis Mechev The Righteous (Russia 1923)

June.22 Fast Day. Martyr Agrippina of Rome ( 253-260) St Mark, Archbishop of Ephesus (1445) Translation of Relics of St German, Archbishop of Kazan (1567)
Synaxis of Saints of Vladmir.
The Meeting of The Vladmir Icon of The Most Holy Theotokos ( In Memory of Saving of Moscow From Invasion of Khan Ahmed 1480)

23th June Fast-Day ( Fish, Wine, Oil)
Nativity of The Holy Holy, Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John
St Anthony, Abbot of Dymsk ( Novgorod 1224)

24h Fast-Day (Fish, Wine Oil,) Virgin Martyr Febronia of Nisibis (C304)
St Prosper of Aquitaine (4th) Sts Peter and Febronia ( tonsured David and Euphrosyne)
Wonderwokers of Murom (1228) St Dionysius, Founder of Monastery of Dionysiou On Mt Athos.

25th June 2nd Sunday After Pentecost All Saints of Russia.
All Saints of Romania. All Saints of Mt Athos. All Saints of Palestine.
St David of Tessalonica ( C540) St John, Bishop of Goths In The Crimea ( Wonderworkers 8th)
Appearance of The Tikhvin Icon of The Most Holy Theotokos ( 1388)

26th Fast Day St Joanna The Myrrh-Bearer (1st) St Sampson The Hospitable of Constantinople
(C530) Hieromartyr Kirion 11, Catholicos of Georgia ( 1918)

27th Fast-Day Translation of Relics of Relics of Wonderworking Unmercenaries Cyrus and John Sts Sergius and German, Wonderwokers of Valaam (C1353)

28th June Fast Day ( Fish, Wine, Oil) Holy Glorious and All -Praised Leaders of The Apostles Peter and Paul (C67)

29th June Synaxis of The Holy, Glorious, and All -Praised Twelve Apostles Peter, Andrew, James, and John The Sons of Zebedee, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James The Son of Alphaeus, Jude The Brother of James, Simon Zelotes and Matthias.

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