Bridge Builders at Glenamoy.
Castlebar Library is celebrating the Bealtaine Festival 2011 with an exhibition of photographs from the Father Browne Collection many of which have never been displayed before.
Fr. Francis Browne (1880-1960), a member of the Jesuit order journeyed throughout Ireland in the 1930s capturing stunning images of the people and landscape at that time. He was one of Ireland's most important documentary photographers amassing some 42,000 images during his lifetime.
Pictured in Castlebar Library, at the launch of Fr. Browne’s photographic exhibition, by Michael Burke Cathaoirleach l-r; Eleanor O’Toole, executive librarian, Councillor Michael Burke, Austin Vaughan, County Librarian, Ivor Hamrock, librarian. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2011.
Selections from the collection have been displayed previously but Mayo County Library has now acquired reproductions of numerous other photographs which he took while in the county.
These images provide a nostalgic portrait of Mayo people at work and at play in the 1930's. The candid nature of the many portraits adds to their appeal while the black and white format provides for reproductions of exceptional quality.
The exhibition will be on display throughout the month of May during library hours Tue. & Wed. 10-8; Thur. & Fri. 10-5; Sat. 10-4.
Achill 1937