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Community Groups : Castlebar Tidy Towns Last Updated: 2, Apr 2018 - 10:02

Castlebar Tidy Towns AGM 2009
By Noel Byrne
29, Nov 2009 - 21:43

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Castlebar Tidy Towns committee held its review of the year in the TF Hotel last week. A full review of all the activities was debated as was a general plan for the coming year. It was noted that the GMIT were holding a series of Green Days and this was commended. A number of other projects such as a heritage and nature trail, closer liaison with schools and involvement of the community.

Ger Deere was elected chairman for the coming year with John Page as Secretary, Noel Byrne was appointed as Treasurer and PRO with Patricia Conway retaining the role of Wild Life officer. Two new members were voted on to the committee were Anna Cresham and Therese Ruane.

The committee would like to hear from any individual or group that would like to explore further how they could become involved in any way then please contact any of the above.

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