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Community Groups : Castlebar Tidy Towns Last Updated: 2, Apr 2018 - 10:02

Castlebar Tidy Towns - Presentation Night
By Noel Byrne
5, Nov 2009 - 14:35

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Following on from the success of the past year when Castlebar reached the last four in the Best Kept Towns Competition and a won a special Architectural Award in the Tidy Towns Competition, it is now time to reward the local effort.

Castlebar Tidy Towns committee will be holding a presentation night in the TF Hotel on Friday, 6 November at 8 pm. There are many categories for which awards will be made and which has ensured that the judged were busy over the past few weeks. All are invited and who knows your shop club, estate, school, etc., could be a winner on the night?

Considerable progress was made on many fronts during the year. The continuing success of the schools in acquiring Green Flags, the effort of the various sporting organisations to clean up after events, the efforts of the business communities as well as the excellent effort of the many residents associations all helped to create cleaner and healthier environment.

It is hoped that the adoption of a three year plan in conjunction with the town council will help to push Castlebar further up the ladder in the Annual Tidy Towns Competition. With four years of improving results, Castlebar could now be positioned to make a big community effort in the coming year. A little help from many will lighten the burden, so we are asking for as many a possible to turn up at the TF Hotel on Friday Nov 6 at 8 pm.


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Castlebar Tidy Town Awards
Castlebar Tidy Towns - Presentation Night
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Castlebar Tidy Town AGM
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Castlebar Tidy Towns