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Bulletin Board
Dear Parents
We are writing to you on behalf of the Board of Management to ask for your support in meeting
the funding challenges now facing St. Angela's.
Over the past few years, our income has been declining steadily while costs and overheads continue to rise. For example, the annual Capitation Grant we receive from the Department - our main source of income - has gone down from €83,000 in 2010 to €70,000 last year. This year, it will be cut even further to € 66,000. That means that in three years, we have seen our Grant reduced by
€17,000, an amount which we must make up in some other way.
Meanwhile, costs continue to rise. The average oil bill is €16,000, insurance costs €12,000, cleaning and maintenance comes to €30,000. It is for that reason that, for the first time in several years, we find it necessary to turn to you, the parents, for a contribution to help meet the school expenses.
The Board is very conscious of the difficulties which families are already facing in order to make ends meet. It is with great reluctance and because there is no alternative, that we are now asking you for a voluntary contribution. We are sure that you will do what you can to enable St. Angela's to continue to provide the facilities and amenities which you would wish for your child.
The suggested contribution is €50 per family for the year, and we would appreciate payment as soon as is possible for you. For those who might feel able to do so, a contribution in excess of that would be most welcome. For those genuinely unable to meet that amount, a contribution of a smaller amount would still be acceptable on or before Friday, 25th October '13.
The Board would like to thank you for your loyal support of St. Angela's in the past, and is confident that parents will be generous once again in our request for assistance.
Yours Sincerely
Board of Management Members
Noreen Walsh (Chairperson) Gearóidín Ní Ghrúinéíl (Secretary) John Healy (Treasurer)
Claire Granahan, Fr. Sean Cunningham, Paddy Mahon, Brendan Cunningham and Yvonne Horkan