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School Band
St. Angela's School has a marching band consisting of approximately 180 girls from 4th, 5th and 6th class. The following is a description of the different sections of our band.
Our leader wears a white pinafore with a navy and saffron waistcoat. She wears white shoes, white socks, tan tights and a tall white hat with a gold crest at the front. She carries a white mace with the school colours and a pompom at the bottom.
2 girls carry the school banner which shows the school crest. They wear a saffron top and a navy skirt. They wear a large hat, white socks and shoes and tan tights.
There are five flag bearers and they carry the Irish flag, the Mayo flag, the Connaught flag, the Castlebar flag and the School flag.
American flags.
4 girls carry American flags. The flags are white, saffron and navy. The bearers wear a navy skirt with saffron trim, a white top with navy trim and a white hairband.
There are 2 bass drummers and 6 side drummers. They wear a navy top with saffron trim with a saffron skirt with navy inserts. They also wear saffron berets with a navy ribbon.
There are 4 maces. These girls wear uniforms similar to the girls on pom-poms.
The batons are small sticks you twirl around. These girls wear uniforms similar to the girls carrying the banner.
The pom-poms are small frizzy things that you slash around. The pompom uniform includes a white top with blue braiding worn with a navy skirt with saffron trim. The girls also wear saffron hairbands.
Ribbons and Hoops
Lately we have added this extra dimension to our band. The girls perform routines with silver and gold hoops and navy and gold ribbons. This adds even more colour to our band. These girls wear uniforms similar to the girls on batons.
Tin whistles
The girls in 4th and 5th class play the whistles. This year there are 125 tin whistles in the band. They play 10 marching tunes and walk in lines of 4.