So much has happened over the last year. My lovely green Jewel is going through the hardest time since I moved to Ireland in 2000. Of course I can only speak for myself but it has also been the busiest time in my life.
Over the last year I found out that I can survive on very little, have emotional strength and endurance I never imagined and discovered friends in the most uncommon places. Do I make sense? I suppose not but it's been a rollercoaster ride anyhow.
Losing ones job is a blow not only to the financial side of ones life but also personal. I was not too worried when it happened. At the ripe old age of 50 I have never been unemployed and when I search for a job, I only apply for the ones where I would really like to work. There has been one or two dud ones that happened over the years but altogether it's been a great experience. Although I do need an income (who doesn't?) I usually go for jobs I will enjoy and give me a bit of a challenge. Well, as I mentioned I was not worried and after figuring out the whole side of Unemployment Benefits and such, the first month passed and I was in line to sign on. This was all new to me but still I did not worry. I firmly believe that in the next two months I would be working again.
This was November 2008 and here I am today, still no prospect in sight, a bit less naïve and getting very good at stretching the budget. Of course I did not sit around feeling sorry for myself (well, at least not all the time), I decided that I have to do something to change my predicament. Therefore, after searching for work for close to 1 year, I decided to start my own business. A fantastic course came up through FAS to start your own business and it was absolutely enjoyable. That was one of the places I found new friends. It was good for getting a ‘cop on' how and what to look for when you start your own business and it was a good place to share feelings. We were all in the same boat, some worse off than me and some not. That behind me and friends numbers stored in my mobile I started setting up my agency. I am still looking for a work as I am aware that the agency would take 6 - 12 months to get rolling and a lady can't live off ‘Ready Breck' forever, right. I designed my own WebPages and hope to have the great official opening sometime in March 2010. I called my agency Au Pair Solution and am really looking forward to working with Families and Young people again. As I said before... I do jobs that I love (and for income of course J .
Now for the other strange places I found friends and managed to keep my mental state down to a panic was my love for illustrations, design and photography. I came across a lovely site where you can design your own products (and sell them... yippy). This is my little ‘outlet' not only in the sense of making a few extra pennies here and there, but while I'm creating something, I switch off from the every day worry of the future. Yesterday I designed a T-shirt, which kind of says it all.
Oh yes, I did promise you Prince Charming as well. How would you like to find Prince Charming... he's tall, has long ‘blondish' hair, big eyes and he sings. I'm saying no more... enjoy this link and hope you have as many giggles as I do. He's my daily fix and gets me laughing every time.
Let's keep our head up and carry on to build a better future. ... Here's to a speedy recover for us all and our lovely country.