Who was the wise person that said, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?“. Well, this “old dog” at the age of 46 decided to take up Web Design. Computers always fascinated me (sometimes confused me as well) but I always enjoy learning new “tricks” on it. So much one can do and so little time… :)
As we needed someone to update the web page at work, my lovely boss enrolled me at 21st Century to learn just that. It was like having Christmas half way through the year. Although I must have been the oldest person there, I seemed to have the most “childlike” pleasure in discovering “Adobe” and “Dreamweaver”. The idea of combining images and changing existing ones was fascinating. I even cloned a photo of myself petting my father’s Doberman. Now when you look at the photo, I am sitting on my haunches, kissing a fully grown Lion on the nose, surrounded by a massive jungle. One of my friends who saw it said that she wished she could have experienced that as well…. Personally, I think that will be the only time I would have the courage to do something like that…. In a cloned photo.

My little kitten
The other students were great and we had loads of fun. To top it all we had the privilege of being taught by one of the cutest guys in Castlebar. And he’s single (Sorry John!!! :)As usual, being a curious person, I kept on watching the others build their own web pages and they were great. One really stood out (sorry to say not my own) and I was struck by the professional way James (one of the students) had designed it and the colours and images he used. From looking at my own web page and his, I could clearly see that mine was “amateurish” whereas his was fantastic. Well, as we got chatting a bit about his web page I found out that he is the owner of Dreamcatcher Web Design and had come along with his girlfriend to keep her company. Well, I must admit, I was no longer green with envy at his first attempt…. By the way James, that was not fair :) !!!! At least I can say that my “amateur” web page is live whereas James has not had the time to load his Dreamcatcher Web page as yet.
This old dog is so thrilled at designing web pages that I will be going onto doing my diploma in it in the near future and maybe (hopefully) by the time I have done that I will be as good as James. If you really want to see how great his web pages are you should see www.caseycars.ie but if you want to see something more in the beginners range, go have a look at my feeble attempt at www.international-webart.com Now don’t fall over laughing….it’s my first attempt and the web site name is for my future. This old dog also believes in positive thinking and one day you might just give me a call to do your web page. Promise to improve dramatically by then.