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Archives > 2012 - 2013
So many different foods to eat
Some are savoury,some are sweet
Fruit and vegtebles,pasta and cake
Cookies and cupcakes are fun to bake.
Aprons on and oven hot,
What ingredients will we put in the pot
Potatoes,carrots,onions and meat
Pour in some gravy and turn up the heat
Milk and cheese are good for bones,
Muffins,chocolate and ice cream cones,
These tasty treats will make you smile
But remember only have treats once in
a while. By Emma Devaney
Halloween is here at last
Lets get ready and put on our mask
The sun goes down
The stars come out
And lets get ready to walk adout.
Lots of sweets for us to eat
Collecting them as we speak
We sing a song and the children join along
in a great sing and song.
We celabrate in the house
Having fun and jumping adout
We dunk for money but never get any
And a dancing compation
And a singing audition
And then go home and rember
that great hallloween night.
By Ciara Middleton
I met a girl, her name was Jo,
She liked to watch the Simpsons show.
Jo liked to play tennis,
She was also from Ennis.
But the only thing she didn't like,
Was the sound that came from her motorbike.
halloween is really cool
we are always such fools
jumping,messing falling over
it is always in october
after walking getting treats
then i think i have no feet
if we eat too much sweets
then we might loose all our teeth
halloween is not too far away
it is almost here today
when anyone shouts boo
every body wonders who!!!
by lauren gilroy